What Makes Photos So Important During Events

There are countless events happening all over Singapore. Whether it be birthday parties, wedding banquets, corporate retreats, or simple gatherings of friends, these events have one thing in common: there will always be photos taken there. This is especially true in the modern day, where most phones are equipped with an in-built camera. Guests and event organisers both are snapping pictures and sharing them with their friends. Our social media channels are often flooded with images of our friends and co-workers at social gatherings. Have you ever wondered what fuels our natural instinct to take pictures at events? Why do we so greatly appreciate instant photo booths in Singapore? In this article, we break down the various functions of event photography and how they contribute to our various roles in society.

Photos as a way to remember

Photos and videos are literally the only way we can capture a moment and have it immortalised for eternity. When we take a picture, we know that the important moments are encapsulated in that one photograph. We can always view the photo to see what had previously transpired during the event. Photos also serve as a way to trigger precious memories. For instance, you may look at a picture of yourself when you were a child and be reminded of the time when your parents brought you to Disneyland. Photos, therefore, are possibly a rich and accurate representation of the past that you bring into the future.

Photos as a way to share your experiences

One of the main draws of social media is the ability to share your experiences with friends from all over the world. Photos become a fundamental part of that conversation. When you share your pictures on Facebook or Instagram, your friends and other audiences are immediately shown that moment as if they were there. If a picture is taken at a wedding, then they can experience the big “YAM-SENG” from across the globe when they click on a photo or video. This makes good photography extremely crucial in events because poorly-taken photographs will not only ruin the mood of the event but also be very distracting and annoying. Also, because photos are a visual medium, they are often more eye-catching and attractive than long, text-based stories.

Photos as a way to convince, market or sell

Lastly, photos are extremely important as a marketing tool. For almost all forms of media, photos form the backbone to the message. This is especially true for large corporations and is a big reason why multi-national companies often have their own marketing department to collate and distribute photos for their company. To that end, photo booths have also made a big splash in corporate events and weddings. Wedding photo booths in Singapore have become essential in providing the bride and groom with materials for their photo album and videos. The best photo booth vendors in Singapore will also use these pictures to showcase their great portfolio of work.


Photographs at events have become so crucial as they serve multiple important functions for both the guests and the event organisers. Photo booths in Singapore, in particular, have grown to immense popularity.

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