4 Simple Tips To Purchase An Efficient Electric Motor

Any regular movement from your work equipment is definitely because of your electric motor which causes movement. Without one, having electricity is practically pointless as you will require an electric motor in order to convert all that mechanical energy into useful mechanical energy.

Not to mention, electric motors are responsible for a very large component of industrial processes. They are typically used at certain points in the manufacturing process of almost every conceivable product that is manufactured in modern plants and factories.

Now that you know the importance of efficient electric motors, you should note down these important tips that will make sure to increase the productivity of both your motors and business.

Don’t Operate Your Motors When Not Needed

Although this action may sound rather simple, most users are usually afraid to turn off their motors as they are convinced that starting it up, again and again, will only lead to major wear and tear. But in reality, switching off your motor is actually the most effective way to save energy when it is not in use.

While it is true that switching it off and turning it on constantly will cause wear and tear, there aways to mitigate this and one of them is by making use of soft starters which are excellent in reducing wear and tear. With a properly installed soft starter, you can also weaken the pressure on mechanical and electrical systems.

Minimise Wear And Tear

As said earlier on, most users’ main concern is minimising wear and tear.

Once the electric motor is started, a plenitude of wear and tear will take place as a result of high initial currents and forces which cause pressure onto the mechanical and electrical systems. Typically, the better option would be to use soft starters. But you can also choose to employ Variable Speed Drives (VSDs), just take note that they can be costly and less efficient.

In a worst case scenario when all is not possible and your motor is severely damaged, then you should look for an experienced engineer who does electric motor overhauling so you can fully examine the motor, identify the issue and resolve it.

Utilise High-Efficiency Motors

There’s nothing wrong with tightening your belt when you’re buying an electric motor but just know that sometimes, getting a slightly expensive one can do you well in the long run.

An energy-efficient motor with a better design will make use of less electricity, heat loss and lower noise. More importantly, your motor will have a longer lifespan. Improved manufacturing techniques, tighter tolerances and the use of high-quality materials also aid in boosting efficiency and reducing losses.

To determine whether your motor is efficient, you can apply this simple formula where you take the mechanical power from the motor (output) and divide it by the electrical power supplied to it (input). Also known as (mechanical power output/electrical power input) x 100 percent.

Hence, an 80 percent efficient motor is able to convert 80 percent of the electrical energy into mechanical energy. Meanwhile, the leftover 20 percent of the electrical energy becomes heat loss.

Purchase The Correct Motor Size

Usually, motors are most efficient when they are in between 60 and 100 percent of their full-rated load, and are most inefficient when they are below 50 percent loading. Basically, it would mean that the motor size can determine the efficiency of your motor.

Oversized motors generally run below 50 percent of their rated load, making them both inefficient and much costly than motors of the correct size. In turn, it may also mean that there will be a reduced power supply to the machine, resulting in an increase in the load on the electrical system.

Once that happens, you may encounter faults and damage in the motor which means that electric motor rewinds may be needed to get it back in good shape.

When you have the right electric motor on hand, you will be able to save tons of energy, lessen operating costs and improve the overall productivity for your factory or plant. So, take note of these simple tips and get a hold of an efficient electric motor.

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