How Blue Light From Digital Screens Harms Your Skin Health

Since the invention of smart screens and the emergence of a digital era in the last decade, several concerns have been raised about the health impact of the blue light emitted from such screens.

Health experts have known and advised regarding the digital eye strain, where screen users experience eye discomfort or vision problems with increased exposure to digital screen for extended periods. But there is another alarming issue – can blue light damage your skin too?

What is blue light?

Also known as High Energy Visible Light (HEVL), blue light is part of the spectrum of light that is close to ultraviolet light, in terms of wavelength. The sun emits large amounts of blue light, but our smart phones and computer screens emit them in smaller quantities. However, with prolonged use, it can play a role in causing skin damage and premature ageing.

Especially during the current Covid-19 pandemic, where many people are spending most of their time indoors and in front of screens than before. Thus, it’s important to understand more about blue light and its effects.

How does blue light affect the skin?

While research on this matter is still ongoing, initial studies conducted revealed that skin exposure to blue light from the sun caused more redness, pigment and swelling as compared to same skin exposure to comparable levels of UVA rays. This can give us an idea on the side effects blue light has, even if it’s coming through the screen.

With long-term exposure, blue light energy is believed to cause skin damage like inflammation, pigmentation and weakening of the skin’s surface. According to Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, a small study published in 2015, it was suggested that blue light exposure can stimulate the production of free radicals in the skin, which speeds up the signs of ageing.

Protect your skin

Some health experts have good evidence to believe that visible light can stimulate the skin to produce more pigment. This can trigger certain skin conditions like melasma or darker acne spots. The topic on blue light production may still be new, but it helps to stay protected if you incorporate products in your skincare routine to combat blue light. This is especially true as you continue to work from home and spend a lot of time in front of digital devices during the circuit breaker period.

Try sunscreens with antioxidants, iron oxide, zinc oxide or titanium dioxide to help protect against blue-light damage from your phones and sun rays. Our mineral Cream UV Protection sunscreen contains SPF35 with Zinc Oxide and Titanium Dioxide to block away any harmful rays and care for sensitive skin. For acne-prone skin, you might want to check out our Aikne Screen – formulated with Zinc Oxide and Titanium Dioxide to block away any harmful rays while caring for the breakouts on your skin. It also contains Allantoin and Salicylic Acid to reduce inflammation, combat acne breakouts and heals blemishes.

At the same time, you can try lowering the brightness level on your screens or use the “Night Shift” mode on your digital devices. This will change the colour of your screen to warmer tones and minimise the emission of blue light.

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