5 Reasons Why Everyone Should Learn A Musical Instrument

You’ve probably heard the famous adage “music is food for the soul”. Music has been an integral part of our culture since the prehistoric age and is one of the things that make us uniquely human. It’s no surprise then that our bodies and minds have a positive relationship with music.

As you perform and learn music, you can enjoy a host of benefits for your physical and mental health. Besides, the process of learning music inculcates several skills that are useful in today’s modern society. So, even if you aren’t going to pursue music as a career, learning an instrument can give you a boost in your work! Here are some benefits of picking up an instrument that will have you racing to sign up for a music course.


Music’s not just good for the heart and mind, it’s also good for the body! Studies have suggested that listening to music can lower your blood pressure and heart rate. It can even reduce stress hormones and inflammatory cytokines, which, as the name suggests, causes uncomfortable inflammation.

It may even help in recuperation, as music was shown to assist in the recovery of heart attack and stroke patients. Naturally, as a budding musician, you’ll be surrounded by music all the time, and can enjoy all these benefits and more.

Improve cognitive functions

Regardless of your age or background, learning music can do wonders for your brain. One of the most stunning benefits of music has been dubbed the “Mozart effect”, where a number of musicians displayed unusually high mathematical ability.

Upon further investigation, researchers found that listening to classical music may have enhanced people’s mental performance. Some of the skills that saw improvement included language skills, memory, and attention. While it’s not clear how music works on the brain, experts speculate that music helps to “warm-up” parts of the brain responsible for higher functions, helping you to process information better.

Improve coordination

While dribbling a football and fingering keys on a piano seem wildly different on the surface, they may have quite a lot in common! Just like sports, learning to play an instrument can train your hand-eye coordination. Developing the muscle memory for the correct fingering on a guitar fretboard requires plenty of practice. Hence, joining guitar lessons for beginners if you’re new to this musical instrument will help you brush up your skills. Over time, with enough practice, you’ll find yourself developing improved motor skills and coordination.

Builds confidence

Whether it’s the humble busker on the street or a high-profile idol on the stage, music affords plenty of opportunities to perform in front of a crowd. Regardless of skill level, it takes a lot of self-confidence to play your heart out to others. It doesn’t matter how big the audience is either. Even if it’s just for a close group of friends, or even a loved one, pulling off a successful performance can boost your confidence tremendously.


Music is all about expressing yourself. Often times, the most seasoned musicians don’t need a score to play their music, not just because they have it committed to memory, but also because they know how to improvise. Indeed, while music has certain rules that are generally followed, there’s plenty of room to bend them and create music that is uniquely ‘you’. For the more pragmatic among us, you can think of it as training the innovative mindset, which will no doubt benefit you in working life.


It’s clear to see that learning music isn’t just fun, but also great for your personal development. To get the best results, you may want to engage with a music academy and consider signing up for one of the music courses. It’s best to learn from the experts, after all! Make sure to find one that is well-equipped and has plenty of qualified mentors ready to guide you through your musical journey. Here, we provide a suite of music courses for a bunch of instruments, including vocal, drum, keyboard, ukulele, and guitar classes.

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